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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aviation Associations Work Together to Protect Veterans' Benefits

If you follow aviation news at all, then it has been hard to miss the hype surrounding HR 476, a bill designed by lawmakers to "close loopholes" in flight training that really just hurts veterans. While these politicians believe they are acting in good faith, they seek to lessen the cost of veterans benefits. Veterans seeking to become pilots or enter the aviation industry now have less access to the benefits they fought for and earned. Lawmakers fail to do their research into the cost of flight training and to weigh it proportionally with veterans seeking to enter other fields. Upper Limit Aviation is proud to support veterans who seek to fulfill their dreams of becoming tomorrow's pilots.

Source: Helicopter Association International (HAI) May 19th, 2015 (

On Monday, May 18, the Helicopter Association International (HAI) and six other aviation associations sent a strongly worded letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee of Veterans Affairs, urging their committee to reject a bill (H.R. 476) that would impose a detrimentally low cap on Veterans Administration (VA) funding for college flight training degree programs for veterans (Click here to see the original letter).

HR 476 may very well hurt veterans H.R. 476 was introduced to close a loophole in the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill. But as is often the case on Capitol Hill, the solution is an overreaction...
