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Friday, April 25, 2014

Over the Colorado and Utah Border

One of +Upper Limit Aviation, Inc. Fixed-Wing pilots flying over the Colorado/Utah border! 

Meet Erik Zinger

Erik Zinger, finishing up a flight here at +Upper Limit Aviation - West Memphis. Erik is another one of our students going through the commercial part of our program. Keep up the good work!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Meet Our West Memphis Family

Wanting to have you guys meet some of our family here +Upper Limit Aviation - West Memphis. Will be posting pictures of our family. Ian Baird!! He likes long walks on the beach and Auto Rotations! During a recent photo project, we had some fun too!!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Congratulations Troy Barnum. He will be leaving us soon at +Upper Limit Aviation - West Memphis to continue his career with Papillon Helicopter Tours in Las Vegas. You will be missed!

Ready for a Run-Up

Troy and Brittany getting ready for run-up!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Purchasing a New Airplane

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lois and Sean Reid Finalists for Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Everyone who has attended or knows of Upper Limit Aviation are probably familiar with the story of the mother and son duo that launched the company to follow their dreams. This year, Lois and Sean Reid, are being recognized for the outstanding success of Upper Limit Aviation.

Read the full story on our website:

Monday, April 7, 2014

More Photos from Our Pilots

Shout Out to the Maintenance Crew

HATS OFF to the best maintenance guys for keeping us flying and safe. THANK YOU!

Friday, April 4, 2014

How One Man's Dream Became a Reality

By David King

Manny Cavazos stands next to a fixed-wing airplane in the +Upper Limit Aviation - Cedar City hangar.

Manny with his daughter, standing next to Grace & Charlie
Becoming a pilot in the 1960s was much different than it is today. In a field where diversity was almost non-existent, minorities and women faced several obstacles to get a pilots license. Manny Cavazos became more determined to become a pilot the more that he was told he could never do it. After persistence and hard work, he finally obtained his license and began a career in aviation. Now, after decades in the aviation industry, Manny is a flight instructor at +Upper Limit Aviation - Cedar City instructing students in the fixed-wing program.

Read Manny's story:

Turbine in the Morning

Pulling one of Turbines out for the morning at +Upper Limit Aviation - West Memphis . Anyone up for a flight?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Search and Rescue Training with ULA

Iron County Search and Rescue meet the team at +Upper Limit Aviation -
Cedar City
Photo by Pam Williams from the original article on
The Iron County Search and Rescue team met with +Upper Limit Aviation - Cedar City for some training in aircraft support. Because airplanes and helicopters can be a valuable asset to search and rescue teams across the country in cases of missing persons, natural disasters, and other emergencies, more and more teams are recruiting help from the air.

Because the members of search and rescue in Iron County must be re-certified every two years, this year provided the perfect opportunity to do some additional training with one of the nation's top flight schools. To learn more about this event, read the full article from Iron County Today.

Read the full article:

Newest Member to the Fleet

As promised, a photo of one of +Upper Limit Aviation, Inc.'s newest members to the fleet. The Bell 206 LongRanger!!
